YLUMC is located at 19002 Yorba Linda Blvd. on the corner of Yorba Linda Blvd and Ohio St. in the city of Yorba Linda.

What time are worship services?

Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary or click Youtube Live to watch online.

How should I dress?

People at YLUMC dress in a variety of styles, from suits and ties to jeans and t-shirts. We hope you come in what is comfortable to you.

Where do I park?

There are two parking lots on campus - One is accessed from Yorba Linda Blvd. One is accessed from Ohio St. or you can drive through the campus.

Street parking on Ohio St. is also allowed.

What should I expect in worship?

We believe worship is about giving of our whole self to God. Knowing no two people are alike, we design the service with the idea that God is present throughout and we ebb and flow in our responses to God. Knowing people worship in different ways, we seek to engage each person in worship through a variety of means by way of a traditional order of worship.


Each sermon is biblically based, personal and relevant to life.

We use a blend of music featuring hymns as well as a contemporary songs led by our worship team.

On occasion, the bells and choir also add to the music.

Will there be someone around if I am lost?

When you arrive, you will be welcomed at the door to the Sanctuary by our greeters. Ushers stand inside the door to help you get settled in.

Where do children go during worship?

We hold firmly to Jesus’ words “Let the little children come unto me and do not hinder them.” (Matthew 19:14)

Children are led to their Sunday School classes after the Children’s Time by the Sunday School teachers or they can stay with you in worship.

If your little one is worshiping with you, and he or she would like a break or needs a place to be more active, there is a family room adjacent to the sanctuary.

Is there a time of Fellowship to follow?

Yes. Coffee and light snacks are served immediately following the service.